Trees : The First Gods
July 31, 2019When humans began to imagine the Divine, Trees appear to have been the earliest links. Find out more about the three forms in which ancient Indians gave force to this idea.
When humans began to imagine the Divine, Trees appear to have been the earliest links. Find out more about the three forms in which ancient Indians gave force to this idea.
Is there a soul? Is there an afterlife? Will there be a next life? Deep troubling questions even for the discerning. Find out how the Buddha answered them.
What makes the Buddha special? Was it just his teachings? Or is there something more? The clock of Indian History begins ticking with the Buddha. Find out how!
If you were to witness a scene of a predator chasing a prey, with whom would your sympathies lay? Should you interfere? Here’s a lesson from an ancient mythological tale from India.
Why do some Indian Festivals begin by eating or chewing something bitter? Here’s a peek into how people in Maharashtra begin their New Year with the taste of the bitter Neem!
Indian Festivals have a strong association with India’s flora and fauna. Find out more about the Tree that gave colour to Holi – India’s festival of Colours.